Do-It-Yourself Fun: Enrichment Toys for Pets

By |January 7th, 2024|General Tips|

To keep your pet happy, healthy, and entertained, you must provide them with enrichment toys and stimulating activities. Without adequate enrichment, cats and dogs can develop stress, anxiety, problem behaviors, obesity, and numerous other health issues. To increase your four-legged friend’s enrichment opportunities, follow our  Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital team’s guide to do-it-yourself (DIY) [...]

When Normal is Extraordinary: Your Pet’s Normal Wellness Screening Results

By |December 27th, 2023|General Tips|

When our Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital team reports that your pet’s screening test results are normal, you may not think much about them. However, normal diagnostic testing results can be just as valuable as abnormal ones because normal results reveal critical information. Normal wellness screening results can help: Establish your pet’s baseline values — [...]

Care for Those Who Care for Your Pets

By |October 27th, 2023|General Tips|

The COVID-19 pandemic had far-reaching consequences across many sectors, and veterinary medicine was particularly hard hit. The veterinary professional mental health crisis had begun long before, but the pandemic highlighted the problems. Many professions have been compelled to focus on supporting their employees’ mental health, and while the veterinary field has made progress, many veterinary [...]

How to Groom Your Pet at Home

By |September 27th, 2023|General Tips|

Pets need regular grooming to support their overall health and wellbeing. Some pet owners enjoy giving their four-legged friend poofy hairdos or adorning them with bows and other extravagant accessories. However, flashy accoutrements and hairstyles are not required. An effective at-home pet grooming routine doesn’t need to be fancy, but it does need to be [...]

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