Ruffing Rover: Why Do Dogs Bark?

By |2024-05-29T06:05:22+00:00May 17th, 2024|Dog Behavior|

Is your dog yapping at everything? Are your neighbors complaining about the ruckus? A common complaint among many dog owners is barking. Yes, dogs bark. The behavior is instinctive. However, when barking becomes incessant or excessive, the vocalization can frustrate owners and annoy neighbors. Our Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital team explains why some dogs [...]

Heart to Heart: How to Discuss Your Pet’s Behavior with Our Veterinarian

By |2024-05-20T06:29:58+00:00May 7th, 2024|Cat Behavior, Dog Behavior|

Your pet's behavior can sometimes be a mystery. One moment, they're friendly and well-behaved, then suddenly aloof or chewing the rug. Excessive barking, aggression, or disinterest in exercise are all problem signs in your pet. Understanding your pet’s behavior requires our Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital team’s knowledge, insight, and guidance. However, expressing concerns about [...]

5 Curiously Cool Canine Facts

By |2022-12-08T01:26:34+00:00August 28th, 2022|Dog Behavior|

Where would we be without our dogs? If you are fortunate enough to have a canine cohabitant, you know they are so much more than pets. For many of us, our dogs are our therapists, entertainers, confidants, cuddle buddies, and best friends. Because dogs play such an important role in our lives, our Star of [...]

A Dog Owner’s Guide to Choosing Safe Chew Toys

By |2022-12-08T01:26:40+00:00November 27th, 2021|Dog Behavior|

Dogs are innate chewers who explore the world with their mouths. Without an appropriate chew toy, your dog’s explorations may lead them to your shoes or furniture. The right chew toy spares your slippers and supports your dog’s mental and physical health, but not all chews are created equal. At Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital, [...]

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