Comprehensive Guide to Recognizing Cancer Signs in Pets: Expert Insights

By |November 1st, 2024|Chronic Illness|

Do you know the early warning signs of cancer in pets? Just like in humans, early detection of cancer can make a significant difference in your pet’s treatment and prognosis. At Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital in Austin, Texas, we’re here to help you recognize these critical signs, provide comprehensive care, and guide you through [...]

Do’s and Don’ts for Helping Your Specially Abled Pet Enjoy a Fulfilling Life

By |December 17th, 2022|Chronic Illness, Senior Pets|

Every pet is special, and specially abled pets are more so. A specially abled pet may have suffered an injury,  birth defect, or disease that led to reduced—or a total loss of—vision, hearing, or mobility. Animals are amazingly resilient, and—with their family’s physical and emotional support—a specially abled pet can enjoy a long, happy [...]

Does My Pet Have Cancer? Common Cancer Signs in Pets

By |November 27th, 2022|Chronic Illness|

Cancer—senior pets’ leading cause of death—is common, and approximately half of all dogs and cats are diagnosed with this disease during their lifetime. Suspecting your pet has cancer or receiving an affirmative diagnosis can feel devastating, but diagnostic testing advances enable your veterinarian to detect many cancers at their earliest—most treatable—stages. Our Star of Texas [...]

Kidney Failure in Pets

By |December 27th, 2021|Chronic Illness|

Finding out that your pet has kidney failure (i.e., renal failure or insufficiency) can leave you with many questions. Star of Texas Veterinary Hospital wants to ensure you have all the answers you need about the disease, its progression, and available therapies so you can make informed decisions about your pet’s care and quality of [...]

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